Adams Down Under

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Monday, November 21, 2005

Happy Thanksgiving!!

Happy Thanksgiving!
Big news from Down Under this week. Brian finished his degree on Thursday and promptly looked up from his books to notice that it was no longer early October. Where has his life gone? Since he does not yet have any Ph.D. funding he is exploring some other options, only two of which risk prison sentences.

Two friends of Carolyn threw her a baby shower on Saturday. Reports from various sources confirm that all had a great time. Amidst copious amounts of chatter and chocolate, Célia received some very nice presents (the list of which will be posted in a few days), which helps her parents quite a bit. Brian really likes the Baby Einstein DVD in different languages and Carolyn seemed partial to the cute clothes.

The picture of all the pregnant women is in order of due date.

A bunch of us from church spent Friday night camping on Mount Tambourine. It was beautiful and an enjoyable break. Believe it or not, this was the first time that Brian and Carolyn have gone camping together. They both love it enormously, but, as you know, Brian has a tendency to only be aware of what he is currently engaged to do, and tends to put off other things until he is done. And since he never seems to be done….

We wish all who celebrate this Thursday a Happy Thanksgiving. We will be spending it thinking of our family and friends so far away while celebrating with some American friends here.


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