Adams Down Under

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Sunday, September 25, 2005

Fishin' for my manhood

It’s been a good week. Brian finally finished his proposal and submitted it on Monday. It was a great relief to have it behind him and to be able to his attention to studies and work. But he has been suffering bouts of uncertainty as to its acceptability in the eyes of the DK-CRC (Desert Knowledge Collaborative Research Centre). They are the ones from whom he is seeking funding. He truly feels he has some good ideas, but also feels as if he didn’t have/take the time to make a solid proposal.

Célia has been doing well, also. She’s kicking on a regular basis and growing steadily (as indicated by Carolyn’s increasing girth).

Carolyn started the week on a down note, but things picked up for her towards the end as she started volunteering in the temple on Thursday. She absolutely loves it.
Yesterday the two-and-a-half of us went fishing with some friends on the Logan River. The father of our friend, Chad Hart, rented a party barge for the day. The weather was Queensland perfect. We saw a bottlenose dolphin swim past the boat and watched sea eagles soaring and fishing around us. Carolyn promptly set the standard of fishing for the day by reeling in a healthy-sized flathead within the first 30 minutes. Brian patiently fed the fish everything on his hook hour after hour while watching everyone else pull in some good ones. Spotties, flathead, stingrays, blow fish and mulloways were the catch of the day.

The score by the end of the day: Carolyn = 6, Brian = 1. We came home tired and happy and had a fish feast that night. Yes, Brian's manhood lies in tatters, but at least he knows that if he dies Carolyn will still be able to provide for their children.

Sunday, September 18, 2005

Kicks and Holy Ghost

Brian saw Célia kick for the first time today. It was during Church so he couldn't stand up and shout for joy. Though if he did, maybe they would have thought he had the Holy Ghost!

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Saturday, September 17, 2005

First Posting

Hello from Oz-tralia,

We are well into Spring, and Carolyn is well into pregnancy. She just spent the week working in our department's office all week and is wiped out. Apparently having a growing baby in your belly is tiring because she was wiped out every evening.

Brian is feverishly working on a proposal for funding due on Monday. He's come a long way with it, but still has far to go. It's to work with the Desert Knowledge Collaborative Research Centre (DK-CRC) in Alice Springs studying the impact conflict in the Central Deserts of Australia has on the development of the region. It's a bit ambitious, but exciting.

This blog page is an attempt to find a more reliable means of keeping friends and family posted on our life here in Australia, especially as we are expecting our first child. So feel free to check this page regularly to read what's new in our neck of the woods. Also, you can post comments on what we have posted. All you need is access to the Internet and an ability to type.

Or you can just send us an email.

And I guess I should make it official. We are having a girl and her name (with about 90% certainty and a margin of error of about +/-5%) will be Célia Marie Adams. She is due January 12, 2006. Inter alia, per the repeated requests of an experienced grandmother, this blog will be used to post a list of things already purchased for Célia, to avoid duplication.