Adams Down Under

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Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Four posts in one day!

Be sure to look at them all! So this last post is just a few more random pictures to get me caught up on the blog. It feels pretty good to be caught up.

What did I tell you... I have a million pictures of them in this chair. Here they are enjoying some bikkies (biscuits....aka cookies) together and watching some TV.

I can't believe that Sadie is old enough to wear this dress! Isn't she adorable?!

Célia fell asleep right next to the door (she will occasionally still take a nap) and didn't want to move when she woke up. Sadie is playing with her fingers that are sticking out under the door.

Tiger cubs in the city

So we heard that there was going to be some show in the city with animals so we decided to go in and see and meet up with a friend. It turned out that the "main" attraction was a couple of tiger cubs that they brought up from Dreamworld (amusement park on the Gold Coast). Well, Célia got a place right up close on the little platform they had set up. Luckily her friend Will was there and had saved her a spot. I can't believe how crowded it was!

This is a picture of them taking the cubs back to the car at the end.

Here is Sadie, just hanging out in her pram.

Célia was close enough that she got to pet the tiger (unfortunately I was not close enough to get a picture of that).
Célia is the one in the pink/purple striped shirt.

Célia was on channel 9 news that night but unfortunately we missed it. I wish I had recorded it so that I could have posted it here on the blog.

Learning to Drive

Is that kid having fun or what?

Double decker car.

Flashing the peace sign.

Célia showing Sadie the ropes.

"Man I wish that car would get out of my way!"

Cruising with one hand.

This one's for you Jenn!

Okay so I hope you don't mind a bunch of random pictures. I keep thinking "I need to post on the blog," so I keep taking a bunch of pictures but that is as far as I get. The order of the pictures is newest first and oldest last but it is only within a couple of months so I think that is alright.

I love this outfit for Sadie! It is the cutest. Thank you Nana Monette!

She loves being able to crawl around.

Is this a happy kid or what?

I love pictures of them in their pj's.

Maybe you can't tell but she had been chewing on a pink highlighter.

I have about a million pictures of the two of them sitting in this chair together. I just think they are so cute when they sit together.

Célia doing a painting project. She LOVES to paint! (you probably can't tell from the grimace on her face, I think that was meant to be a smile)

And Sadie LOVES her walker too!

So this is a Brisbane winter... you just have to wear a hat with your short sleeve shirt and capri pants when you dig in the dirt. Célia and Sadie have matching hats (thank you Great Grandma Gilbert) but I couldn't find Sadie's that time.