Adams Down Under

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Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Letter to Célia Marie

Dear Célia Marie,

Your birth has awoken some new thoughts and feelings within me. One is that I never imagined how great I would feel having a baby. These feelings are so much more powerful than I ever thought they would be; they border on overwhelming at times. Another is how I look at people around me. I see families, especially those with little girls, and think about how we are as a family. I see teenage girls and wonder what you will be like at that age. I see boys and girls together and wonder what kind of boy you will choose to love and if you will have your heart broken by someone who doesn’t respect you. I also wish I had treated girls better when I was younger, now that I see they were some loving father’s little sweetheart, too.

The third awakened realization in me is that of my own mortality. Never in my life have I been so constantly conscious of how tenuous my life really is. And it’s completely your fault for two reasons. First, because you are utterly dependent on your mother and me your life is so fragile. One misstep on our part and you could die. But I don’t mind or regret our responsibility a bit, because the alternative is an even more difficult aspect of reality to accept; when you are no longer so dependent on us and you start school, choose your own friends, go on dates, get a job, go away to school and move out, then your mother and I will not be there to watch over you and protect you every second of every day.

The second reason it’s your fault is that you change so quickly. Just in 8 weeks you’ve grown and developed enormously and you will continue to do so. But I don’t want you to change and grow. I want to keep you just like you are, because I can’t imagine you getting any more adorable or my developing any greater love for you.

Watching and loving you reminds me of how ephemeral life is. It’s something I have never thought about so fervently for such an extended period.

Love, Dad

P.S. Why are you always shaking your fist at me?

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Where's she been?

It has been quite a while since the world has heard the news of Célia Marie Adams. As with the disappearance of any great personality known the world over for her charitable works and cheery disposition, rumors abound as to what she might be doing. Gossip columns and opinion pages have hinted at Sri Lankan tsunami relief coordination, addressing the UN Security Council concerning the growing famine crises in Kenya and Zimbabwe, and chairing a series of roundtable discussions of bishops, imams, rabbis and other spiritual leaders (no, not Pat Robertson) to promote interfaith dialogue and cooperation.

But the truth is much simpler than that. She has been spending time with her Grandma and Grandpa Gilbert.

They arrived on February 18 and have been their own two-man paparazzi storm. Because of their generosity and attention we’ve been able to document her first plane ride:

Her baths:

Her massages:

Her naps:

Her smiles:

How strong her neck is getting:

And how happy she was to be blessed at Church last Sunday:

Yep, we have a happy girl. She is healthy and flourishing under all the attention and affection. We figure that when she goes to kindergarten she’ll introduce herself in a manner similar to the following:

“Hi. My name is Célia Marie…

but everybody just calls me Cutie.