Aussie Christmas Gratitude
Merry Christmas all!
Despite the persistent 85-degree weather and a distinct lack of commercial bombardment, we are getting into the spirit of Christmas. Thanks in large part to our friends here in Australia who lavish us with well wishes and holiday cheer.
One of the sweetest expressions of the Christmas spirit came from our friends Grantley, Samantha and their little boy, Lucas. Grantley has been battling cancer for several months, but now seems to be in the clear. His chemotherapy combined with a little boy Célia’s age has kept them preoccupied and stretched to their limits. Despite these challenges, they still found the time and energy to make us a beautiful gingerbread house.
Imagine the detailed work on this.

Samantha stopped by a few days ago and dropped it off as a way of saying thanks for the help we’ve given them during her husband’s illness. It was a magnanimous gesture for such little assistance rendered. It was also one of the rare moments in his life that Brian was speechless. He couldn’t find the words to express how humbled he felt for their gratitude.
We wish them a Christmas of joy and pray that their New Year will be one of good health and lots of laughter.
May God bless you all with a Merry Christmas and that you feel of our love all year long.
Brian, Carolyn and Célia Marie

P.S. Status report on the gingerbread house: the structural integrity was quickly compromised. Imagine our surprise when we found that the inside was stuffed with all sorts of Aussie candy, including Brian’s favorite marshmallow banana thingies! (Carolyn prefers the chocolate covered caramel fencing.)
Despite the persistent 85-degree weather and a distinct lack of commercial bombardment, we are getting into the spirit of Christmas. Thanks in large part to our friends here in Australia who lavish us with well wishes and holiday cheer.
One of the sweetest expressions of the Christmas spirit came from our friends Grantley, Samantha and their little boy, Lucas. Grantley has been battling cancer for several months, but now seems to be in the clear. His chemotherapy combined with a little boy Célia’s age has kept them preoccupied and stretched to their limits. Despite these challenges, they still found the time and energy to make us a beautiful gingerbread house.
Imagine the detailed work on this.

Samantha stopped by a few days ago and dropped it off as a way of saying thanks for the help we’ve given them during her husband’s illness. It was a magnanimous gesture for such little assistance rendered. It was also one of the rare moments in his life that Brian was speechless. He couldn’t find the words to express how humbled he felt for their gratitude.
We wish them a Christmas of joy and pray that their New Year will be one of good health and lots of laughter.
May God bless you all with a Merry Christmas and that you feel of our love all year long.
Brian, Carolyn and Célia Marie

P.S. Status report on the gingerbread house: the structural integrity was quickly compromised. Imagine our surprise when we found that the inside was stuffed with all sorts of Aussie candy, including Brian’s favorite marshmallow banana thingies! (Carolyn prefers the chocolate covered caramel fencing.)