The New Year is starting out well for the Adams Family. We’ve recently undergone a 50% increase in family size, but the growing pains have been welcomed. In fact the new arrival seems to fit right in. Her name is Célia Marie Adams and she arrived bright-eyed and bushy tailed at 10:25pm on January 11, 2006 after a short, problem-free trip.
Her Grandma Monette was also in attendance, having disembarked the day before. She has been a great support already.
Yesterday Carolyn started having contractions around 10-10:30 in the morning. They began to be regular around 3pm and then we checked into the hospital at 7pm. The birth went very well. Célia’s heart rate remained in the normal range throughout. Carolyn was very strong and did very well, too. She wanted to have a natural birth, so she didn’t take any drugs or use any gas. Towards the end she was really hurting and it made Brian a bit concerned because she was so tired and in so much pain (and because he had never experienced anything remotely similar to that in his eventful life). But he did his best to encourage and support Carolyn. The only thing he couldn’t do was buy for her the graham crackers she was craving after the delivery. They aren’t sold in Australia.
Célia Marie cried almost immediately and took to nursing like a pro.
As it turned out, Carolyn didn’t need any stitches after the birth and she is feeling as good as a new mother could today. So much so that she feels good enough to come home today, but wants to remain one more night just to have a bit more supervision to make sure Célia is fine and the breastfeeding is going well.

Célia Marie is a good size. 7 lbs. 10.5 oz. 20 inches long. Her hands and feet are tiny and cute. She has a good amount of brown hair, which surprised us, for Carolyn was bald for the first 2-3 years and Brian had almost translucent white hair as a baby. It looks like she has her mom’s long legs and her dad’s earlobes. Brian’s been told she looks like him, but he can’t see it. She is much too gorgeous to look like her dad.
Célia is already a daddy’s girl. She recognizes and responds to Brian’s voice by quieting down. Is it too much to hope he always has that influence on her?