Adams Down Under

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Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Ladies and Gentlemen. Introducing....

Sadie Ann Adams!

Date: January 8, 2008
Time: 4:34am
Weight: 8lbs, 1oz.
Length: 21.25ins.*

Since both mother and baby were doing splendidly, the hospital let us pack her up after two nights and bring her home...

...where she was warmly greeted by a big sister eager to hold her.

even if she didn't quite know what to do with her once she was on her lap.

Both mother and baby continue to do very well. As of the one-week doctor's examination, Sadie has regained the weight she lost after the birth and began to put on some. It won't be long before she is a chunky little thing rolling around on the floor.

*Special thanks to my astute sister-in-law, Jesica, who noted that my conversion from metric was off. In the original announcement I said she was 24 inches long. I beg for your understanding as I was operating on little sleep and lots of adrenalin.

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Preparing for Sadie

As you can probably tell from the above picture, we have been waiting for the arrival of the newest Adams. But we haven't sitting idly by, for there is a lot to be done in preparation. And Célia Marie took an active role in those preparations.

She helped cleaned the livingroom.

She helped with the dishes.

She helped cook and freeze a few dinners in advance

...and she made a few treats, too.

In fact, Célia Marie was so excited about getting the house ready for her sister that instead of taking a nap one day she decided to redecorate the walls and door of her bedroom with the new crayons she received at Christmas.

Thank goodness she isn't any taller.

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Célia's Big Week

The breaking news in the Adams’ home is the arrival of Sadie Ann Adams on January 8, 2008. And though the spotlight has been justifiably shining on the newest Adams, I would like to make sure her big sister isn’t lost in the media crush, because great things were happening with her in the week leading up to the birth.

Célia Marie has had a big week. She learned to climb out of her crib, so she is now in a big girl bed. She went on the potty twice without any prompting from us. She said thank you without being reminded.

And she had her birthday party early in preparation for her little sister’s birth. And though so many new things have arrived at once, she seems to be taking everything in stride.

She is growing up so very quickly.

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