Okay so I hope you don't mind a bunch of random pictures. I keep thinking "I need to post on the blog," so I keep taking a bunch of pictures but that is as far as I get. The order of the pictures is newest first and oldest last but it is only within a couple of months so I think that is alright.

I love this outfit for Sadie! It is the cutest. Thank you Nana Monette!

She loves being able to crawl around.

Is this a happy kid or what?

I love pictures of them in their pj's.

Maybe you can't tell but she had been chewing on a pink highlighter.

I have about a million pictures of the two of them sitting in this chair together. I just think they are so cute when they sit together.

Célia doing a painting project. She LOVES to paint! (you probably can't tell from the grimace on her face, I think that was meant to be a smile)

And Sadie LOVES her walker too!

So this is a Brisbane winter... you just have to wear a hat with your short sleeve shirt and capri pants when you dig in the dirt. Célia and Sadie have matching hats (thank you Great Grandma Gilbert) but I couldn't find Sadie's that time.